A simple, no prescription needed, at-home blood test can reveal if you’re low in Omega-3s. One to three drops of blood is all they need to test your Omega-3 levels.

Research shows that an Omega- level of 8% to 12% in your Red Blood Cells is vital for health. A level below 4% indicates deficiency putting you at high risk for a multitude of health issues such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, eye disease, and more.
Our customers like Steve B have used Omegaquant’s Omega-3 Index Tests to measure the amount of EPA and DHA in their blood.
You can save 15% of any test options from Omegaquant, just use the coupon code 'PremiumOmega" when you order.

Steve B. Case Study
At the start of my Omega-3 regime my Omega- index was very low at 3.21%, a sign of imbalance between Omega- 6 (Pro-inflammation) and Omega-3 (Lowers inflammation).
In November of 2019 my Omega-3 index had increased to 6.49% and my trans-fat index decreased from 0.75% to 0.62%.
In January 2020 my 3rd report showed a consistent decline in my trans-fat index and a stable increase in my Omega-3 index. I am happy to report these positive results while continuing to eat a healthy diet and taking my Nurture Brain® DHA Supplements.